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  • Get organized for growth.

    Powerful software to capture your process knowledge (i.e., "how we do things here") and process ownership ("who does what and when"). ProcessBucket enables continuous improvement: standardize work, innovate faster, scale-up, share insights, reduce costs, minimize errors, and maximize results.
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Create your "Business Operating System."

Make your processes more visiblemore scalablemore improvableand more shareable.

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Identify Your Processes.

Create a Process Catalog by capturing the key processes that run your business or group.

The Benefit:

  • See all your processes in one place for quick analysis and refinement.
  • Ensure that you have processes for all day-to-day operations (working in the business) and for strategy, planning, and analysis (working on the business).
  • Identify gaps and areas with missing coverage. Spot processes that should exist in an ideal world, but are currently not in place.
  • Identify overlaps, where a process should be merged or reassigned.

Describe Your Processes.

Add Process detail such as categories, the process owner, ID number, frequency, criticality, cost, dependencies, systems, and completeness.

The Benefit:

  • Prioritize your processes based on urgency, risk, revenue opportunities, and automation potential.
  • Evaluate your processes by functional area, (e.g., finance, sales, client services) and focus area (e.g., strategy, planning, analysis, or operations).
  • Use a unique ID number to quickly reference any process.
  • Find all processes that use a particular application or tool.
  • Create valuable intellectual property for scaling (or selling) the business.
  • View roles & responsibilities for any Role, based on the Processes that the Role owns.

Use Your Processes.

Create and share How-to Guides for each Process.

Track completion of recurring tasks, which are automatically generated based on process frequencies.

The Benefit:

  • Do things the best way, every time: operations staff can create schedules, create checklists, and quickly refer to Process documentation.
  • Create living, editable process documentation that is updated whenever needed.
  • Share knowledge and save time by not duplicating effort or repeating yourself.
  • Managers can simplify complex tasks, validate process accuracy, add labels, conduct cross-training, evaluate staff effectiveness, merge or split processes, develop training and onboarding resources.
  • Business Owners can prioritize improvement opportunities, set OKRs, identify constraints.

Improve Your Business.

Analyze and improve your processes using a holistic, 360-degree view of your organization.

Filter and sort your processes by many criteria.

    The Benefit:

    • Update How-to Guides with feedback, ideas, best practices, lessons learned, and troubleshooting tips from your staff and customers.
    • Refine how you use all your different software systems.
    • Reduce risk by finding single points of failure.
    • Add automation where you have identified opportunities.
    • Answer key questions and launch improvement initiatives:
      • How can we accelerate growth? What are constraints?
      • How can we optimize operations? What should be faster? What should have fewer errors?
      • How can we eliminate gaps? What processes are missing?
      • How can we think lean? Where do we have wasted effort?
      • How can we mitigate risk? What processes expose us to potential loss?
      • How can we leverage technology? What processes could be automated?
      • How can we increase accountability? What processes are not being completed?
      • How can we support people? What processes are most frustrating for our team members?
      • How can we improve profitability? Which processes most directly affect our financials?

    Let's improve your operations!

    Grow your business.

    Reduce risk.

    Improve efficiency.

    Request a Demo

    ​Common Questions

    What is a process?

    A process is any set of step-by-step instructions that someone follows to produce a specific result. A process can usually be named with the prefix "How to…" since that reminds us that the process tells us how to achieve something. 

    When identifying and describing your processes in ProcessBucket, you can choose how broad or narrow you want your Process documentation to be. We call this "Process granularity." For example, "How to get a new customer" might be too broad, but you could break that down into "How to identify prospects," "How to meet with a prospect" and "How to create a proposal."  Similarly, "How to maintain our equipment" could be broken down into separate processes, by the piece of equipment or by the type of maintenance that needs to be done.

    What types of processes can ProcessBucket help organize?

    ProcessBucket can help you improve processes across all areas of your business. The specific areas will vary based on your industry, but here are some possible Process areas (and sub-areas):

    • Finance (accounting, tax, A/P, A/R, payroll, insurance, budgeting, reporting)
    • Facilities/Infrastructure (buildings, offices, janitorial, maintenance, supplies, equipment)
    • IT (support, onboarding, software, hardware, network)
    • Marketing (inbound, outbound, content, online, offline, SEO)   
    • HR/Staffing (recruiting, hiring, onboarding, training, off-boarding, benefits, evaluations)
    • Production/Operations (product/service creation, product/service delivery, customer support)
    • Research & Development (design, engineering, development, testing, deployment, product management)
    • Sales (inbound, outbound, prospecting, proposals, onboarding)
    • Administration (legal, management, OKRs)
    • Governance (board meetings, minutes, record-keeping, strategy, reporting, elections)
    What types of organizations can ProcessBucket help organize?

    Any organization that wants to organize and improve their processes can benefit from ProcessBucket:

    • Professional Services

    • Industrial/Commercial Service

    • Manufacturing

    • Schools

    • Real Estate

    • Software / Technology

    • Non-profits

    • Churches / Religious Institutions

    Please Contact Us if you would like to discuss your particular situation.

    Can ProcessBucket work with my existing documents?

    Yes, you can link your processes to documents in Dropbox, OneDrive, SharePoint, Google Drive or other document repositories. In this way, you can describe, label, annotate, search, and filter your processes in ProcessBucket, and still have full access from your document repository… the best of both.

    How is ProcessBucket different from Task Management tools or Business Process Management (BPM) tools?

    Task Management (and Project Management) tools focus on assigning tasks to people. ProcessBucket can do this, too, but adds powerful features related to Roles and Processes

    • Roles can be assigned to one or more people and the task assignments flow from the Roles instead of just each person. So if a person is assigned a new Role, or if a person leaves your organization… all the ownership and assignments follow the Role, not the Person. This gives you much more flexibility.
    • Processes in ProcessBucket are like a "Master Task Template" and ProcessBucket generates specific Tasks based on the frequency that each Process needs to occur. So you can setup processes and know that the underlying Tasks will be created and assigned automatically.

    BPM software tools focus on diagramming and automating specific processes, especially those that collect data, use forms, or require approvals. ProcessBucket takes a broader view of all your organization's processes… not just those that can be automated. So you could use ProcessBucket to identify and prioritize your full range of processes, then use a BPM tool to improve selected processes.

    How do I load my processes into ProcessBucket?

    ProcessBucket has an advanced import function that allows you to import lists of Processes, Roles, and People from a spreadsheet. Also you can also use the ProcessBucket interface to create or edit the information for any Process, Role, or Person.

    Do you offer assistance in setting up and using ProcessBucket?

    Yes! You can work with one of our Business Partners that has been trained in how to maximized the effectiveness of ProcessBucket. We are also available to answer any questions.