About Us

The ProcessBucket team has over 40 years of experience in process improvement, information security, ecommerce, and application development.

While advising several types of businesses (including manufacturers, software companies, industrial services, and professional services) we saw the difficulty of capturing how a business worked. 

We saw the need for any easy way to collect process information in a central repository.

Instead of the brilliant and innovative aspect of the business being siloed within small groups or people's brains, we wanted to help identify and share the ways that each business works. 

We have built ProcessBucket based on feedback from our clients and our own consulting experiences.

If you have ideas for how we should improve ProcessBucket, or if you are interested in becoming part of the ProcessBucket team, or if you would like to become a ProcessBucket Partner, please let us know.


The Home page of this website uses images obtained for free from the Noun Project. The following are references with links to the artwork used and attribution to their creators:

"Eye" by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project,

"Pencil" by iejank from the Noun Project,

"Gears" by Gregor Cresnar from the Noun Project,

"Profit" by Gregor Cresnar from the Noun Project, and

"Check" by useiconic.com from the Noun Project.